Saturday, May 26, 2012

MAC Week Four: Wimba Post

I was so sorry to miss Wimba this week, these have been some of my favorite sessions this month.  We had graduation practice Wednesday afternoon, a carload of sponsors took the kids over to the convention center and we ran through the ceremony twice.  Afterwards, we stopped for a margarita (or two) and the next thing I knew I was missing Wimba!

I listened to the archives, sounds like a good session.  And I appreciated the clarity on next month's assignments, I was confused about what was going to happen as well.  I've gotten my letter of submission from the conference where I applied to present, so one assignment down!!

In the Wimba session, we were asked to compare The Art of Possibility to the Power of Positive Thinking and Oprah's Secret.  I only have experience with the Power of Positive Thinking, which I was raised with, and I do see some similarities.  Both point out the benefits of approaching life with a positive attitude, but I thought Zander's book gave more concrete examples and illustrated the "how."  I really enjoyed the book, in fact, I've recommended it to my principal as his summer read.
My favorite chapters in the book were chapter 6: I just love Rule No. Six.  I plan to make myself a sign to go on my desk that only I can see, to remind me to take it easy on myself.  My other favorite chapter was chapter 7: The Way Things Are.  I need to constantly remind myself about this chapter.  It's so easy to get bogged down and dispirited when things aren't going according to plan, it's easy to lose your way when that happens.  I just have to remember that this is the way things are now, not forever.

This book is definitely my take-away from this course.  As I said, I've already passed it on to my principal to read for inspiration and motivation this summer.  I'm planning to get a hard copy for myself that I can make notes in.  Next year, I hope to use several strategies in my class, namely Rule No. Six, giving A's, recognizing The Way Things Are, white sheets and leading from any chair.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for reviewing and commenting on the archive.
