Wednesday, October 5, 2011

PE1_iMovie Tutorial

I am working on the iMovie '11 Tutorial at for my Emerging Technologies class at Full Sail U.  If you haven't taken a look at Lynda,  you don't know what you're missing!! Lynda offers video tutorials in a wide range of subjects, it's really nice of Full Sail to include the price of a membership with our tuition.
At first glance, the 3.5 hrs of iMovie tutorials looks daunting.  I'll admit that my first thought was, you've got to be kidding! When am I going to find time to watch this?? Well, those smart people at Lynda have all of that figured out.  The tutorial is broken up into sections that go together, and within each section the video segments range from 1 minute to 4 minutes long.  Lynda keeps track of the videos that you watch for you as long as you're logged into your account while viewing them.  When you finish all of the tutorial, you get a certificate of completion!
I've finished approximately a third of the training, some of the episodes I had watched previously to help me with earlier projects for Full Sail. I did learn a few helpful things in these beginning segments.  I learned how to mark my segments as favorites and tag them, I can already see how this will be handy as my iMovie gallery of clips grows and grows! I also learned how to organize the clips and move them around, and how to edit clips...trimming the ends and splitting clips. I have used these skills repeatedly in the assignments at Full Sail.  It's remarkable how much more professional your video looks when you trim out the dead time and the goofs.
The best thing I learned this time? How to swap the project window and the window that holds the clips. Now I have so much room to work on my project! Priceless!

As you can see, I also learned how to close all of those extra boxes and whatnot.  It's so much easier to figure out what you want to keep and what you want to cut when you have room to spread it all out.
I can't wait for my next installment of the iMovie tutorial.  I'm working on a video of my students using Popplet to map vocabulary terms.
Stay tuned! More Apples to come...

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